Eu quero ter sida completamente consumido quando morrer. Para mim a vida não é uma vela efêmera, é uma tocha esplendorosa que tenho nas mãos por algum tempo e quero fazê-la queimar com o maior brilho possivel, antes de passá-la as futuras gerações. (Bernard Shaw)

As dores e delícias de fazer teatro

Em busca de um patrocinador from Luciana Martuchelli on Vimeo.

Documentário concebido e dirigido da atriz do meu grupo Juliana Zancanaro sobre produção cultural, com depoimentos de artistas que se desdobram para fazer arte no Brasil. Personagens: Cláudio Marconcine, Guilherme Reis, Isabela Paes, Luana Piovani e Luciana Martuchelli Trilha: (parte da trilha original para a peça Pela Metade): Léo Bleggi Fotografia: Lello Kosby Som direto: JP Mac e Edilson Barros Montagem: Saulo Morete Uma produção EBC/NBR Imagens das obras cedidas pelos entrevistados 21min

TRANSIT VI Backstage of my documentary about Women - Teatret and Periphery Part I

Transit VI - Odin Teatret - Danmark 2009 (part 01) from ADRIANA DE ANDRADE on Vimeo.

Videoclip of Transit VI - Magdalena Project in Odin Teatret on august 2009 in Danmark - By Luciana Martuchelli and Adriana de Andrade

TRANSIT VI Backstage of my documentary about Women Teatret and Periphery Part 2

Transit VI - Odin Teatret - Danmark 2009 - (part 02) from ADRIANA DE ANDRADE on Vimeo.

Videoclip of Transit VI - Magdalena Project in Odin Teatret on august 2009 in Danmark - By Luciana Martuchelli and Adriana de Andrade

domingo, 22 de novembro de 2009

First-person singular choices!

Not really understood why the real reason, pleasure, why so much fantasy and grace involving my life until now. But when suddenly I felt a fear of losing you the first time, i was surprised , it's was obvious but I did not see! I had in that moment a vulnerable insigth!

look into my eyes you will see what you mean to me.
Search your heart and your soul and when you find me there you'll search no more!

Look into my heart you will find there's nothin' there to hide
Take me as I am and my life.
I would give it all I would sacrifice
Don't tell me it's not worth fightin' for.

I can't help it there's nothin'
There's no love like this love.

And no other could give more love
There's nowhere unless you're there.

All the time all the way

When suddenly I felt jealous i woke!
I awoke from my sleep in fear, and now
I know it's true, everything I did, I did for you for you!
what I feel for you, moved my heart out and now i'm free to love again!
And you unperceiving, helped me find the key , the way...
I do not get what I wanted before I met you.
beside you dear, I saw more beautiful, more happy, free and creative
I will never forget and I will have our meeting as a high refence of how one can be happy!
I'm awake! I'm on a first-person singular almost all the time because you came and brought this.
My love for you, you who are so like me, healed me
Now I see all choices and their prices
and the all paths , real and imaginary...
I'm ready to fly

Luciana Martuchelli

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